Monday, August 17, 2009

4 months old this week!

In the top picture, he's about 2 months old. The one below that, he's about 4 months old. He's starting to out -grow pooh....

Robbie will be 4 months old this week. He has had some busy weekends. After Valleyfair it was the Nicollet County Fair. He got to hang out with his cousins and aunties walking around the fair while mom and dad went to the demo derbie and tractor pull. We were all so tired (Robbie doesn't sleep too well when he's not in his own bed) that we came home Saturday. It has been a very relaxing weekend since we got home. Here are some pictures to show you how much he has grown. He goes in for his 4 month doctor visit on Sept. 1st. We'll keep you posted.

They look like twins. He's doing the same thing Pooh is with his mouth...TOO FUNNY!

Look how much bigger he is getting...either that, or Pooh is shrinking!

This was after the busy weekend and Grandpa Pat's and the County Fair. It wiped him out!

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